all postcodes in NN1 / NORTHAMPTON

find any address or company within the NN1 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN1 5AA 25 4 52.237615 -0.888609
NN1 5AE 1 1 52.23635 -0.879092
NN1 5AJ 1 1 52.238261 -0.883423
NN1 5AL 2 2 52.238025 -0.887251
NN1 5AN 6 2 52.237879 -0.886727
NN1 5AQ 3 1 52.23792 -0.888191
NN1 5AT 6 3 52.238058 -0.884087
NN1 5AU 1 1 52.237737 -0.88118
NN1 5AW 22 6 52.237979 -0.885275
NN1 5BA 4 4 52.238217 -0.88067
NN1 5BB 34 0 52.234758 -0.886
NN1 5BD 1 1 52.236068 -0.883829
NN1 5BE 17 8 52.237487 -0.882695
NN1 5BG 10 0 52.237076 -0.88171
NN1 5BH 18 0 52.237785 -0.881531
NN1 5BJ 45 1 52.23752 -0.877334
NN1 5BL 18 0 52.237744 -0.881927
NN1 5BP 1 1 52.237598 -0.885489
NN1 5BT 76 7 52.236378 -0.877334
NN1 5BU 5 5 52.234904 -0.879509